29 Aug Your Brand
in Marketing Yourself
When you are a creator, your brand is how the audience knows you. It is what separates you from the crowd; it is what keeps you in tune with your mission. Building this is a continuous push through this wonderful world of expression. Over time, it will also change! Some things will work, and others won’t; learning as you go and making adjustments are a part of the everyday workings that go into having a lasting impression and presence to keep people coming back for more. The key to keeping up with this fast-paced industry can be overwhelming, but staying true to what you want your brand to be is what is most important. When you start out, you might not really know the direction you want to take your brand, and that is ok! It is a learning experience, but the key to starting this process is thinking about what it is that you want to get out of this. Do you have any particular things you want to “specialize” in? Do you want to have a gimmick of sorts that you think will set you apart from the saturated crowd? It is totally up to you! You have the freedom to direct it in whichever way you see fit. The beauty in all of this is that over time, not only will the brand grow, but it will change with your growing business. Thinking about your vision of what you want your brand to be and making it a reality is something to behold, a real force to be reckoned with!
Marketing yourself and your brand is a skill that takes some time to get the hang of, especially if you are brand new to the industry. It can seem very overwhelming at first, but take your time with it and utilize the tools (such as auto tweets!), and you will make a huge impact on your marketing plan. Seeing the image of your brand and keeping that in mind when you are creating your social media posts is very important. Having an eye-catching image, a clean-looking message, and a few keyword hashtags is a good place to start. Your tweets are more likely to show up in hashtag searches if the tweet is not riddled with an overabundance of them. Keeping it to just a few clear and simple ones will do the trick! Similarly, tagging the official Twitter of the platform you are doing promotion for will increase the chances that the official account will retweet your post. When it comes to other social media platforms, such as Instagram, the same sort of guidelines apply. Cleaner posts will typically do much better than posts with a dozen hashtags, even if they are all relevant. That being said, the timing of your posts is also very important. There has been a lot of research for traffic on any given platform, and for good reason. People tend to follow similar trends when it comes to social media viewing and discovering what times ( or even specific days!) will also increase the views you get. Doing this on your own takes time, but there is a lot of research out there available that can assist you with this. At the end of the day, people are not mind readers; we all have our own lives to live and things going on. If you are not marketing your brand or product properly, it will sink into the sea of the internet, and you will not get the results you are looking for.
When you decide that you want to change different aspects, meaning the kinds of shows you do, the image you portray yourself in, or whatever changes you want to make, it is important to remember that with change, you may lose some of your existing fans if it is not up their alley. On the other hand, you will also gain many new eyes ogling your goodies and die-hard fans that will, of course, support you in whatever direction you decide to go in. Introducing things at an integrated pace is a good way to maintain not only the reliability of your brand in the eyes of your fans but also give them a chance to check out your new vision without any kind of shock factor. Know also that when you decide you want to make changes, the brand transformation will not happen overnight, and that is not a bad thing. Keeping yourself happy is important, so making changes that give you that joy is a positive thing, however if the process is moving slower than you thought it might it is easy to feel discouraged. Keeping your head up and staying focused on what you want is what will allow you to achieve the dynamic you want.
Making the changes can feel very scary. The hardest part you will need to do in this is nothing more than the introduction of the new factor, a very small but very heavy step to take indeed! This can be something as simple as a stage name change, different kinds of content or even just moving platforms. Keeping the integrity of your brand intact when you are making the changes comes down to staying true to what you want and marketing! Continuing with your marketing regimen and keeping your image fresh in people’s minds will make this a much more seamless transition. Remember, your brand is what people will notice first about you; no matter what you have established at that point, it is still very much a part of who you are, your brand and who you want to be. Take the opportunity to be unapologetically yourself to wow them from the very first impression!
When you are a creator, your brand is how the audience knows you. It is what separates you from the crowd; it is what keeps you in tune with your mission. Building this is a continuous push through this wonderful world of expression. Over time, it will also change! Some things will work, and others won’t; learning as you go and making adjustments are a part of the everyday workings that go into having a lasting impression and presence to keep people coming back for more. The key to keeping up with this fast-paced industry can be overwhelming, but staying true to what you want your brand to be is what is most important. When you start out, you might not really know the direction you want to take your brand, and that is ok! It is a learning experience, but the key to starting this process is thinking about what it is that you want to get out of this. Do you have any particular things you want to “specialize” in? Do you want to have a gimmick of sorts that you think will set you apart from the saturated crowd? It is totally up to you! You have the freedom to direct it in whichever way you see fit. The beauty in all of this is that over time, not only will the brand grow, but it will change with your growing business. Thinking about your vision of what you want your brand to be and making it a reality is something to behold, a real force to be reckoned with!
Marketing yourself and your brand is a skill that takes some time to get the hang of, especially if you are brand new to the industry. It can seem very overwhelming at first, but take your time with it and utilize the tools (such as auto tweets!), and you will make a huge impact on your marketing plan. Seeing the image of your brand and keeping that in mind when you are creating your social media posts is very important. Having an eye-catching image, a clean-looking message, and a few keyword hashtags is a good place to start. Your tweets are more likely to show up in hashtag searches if the tweet is not riddled with an overabundance of them. Keeping it to just a few clear and simple ones will do the trick! Similarly, tagging the official Twitter of the platform you are doing promotion for will increase the chances that the official account will retweet your post. When it comes to other social media platforms, such as Instagram, the same sort of guidelines apply. Cleaner posts will typically do much better than posts with a dozen hashtags, even if they are all relevant. That being said, the timing of your posts is also very important. There has been a lot of research for traffic on any given platform, and for good reason. People tend to follow similar trends when it comes to social media viewing and discovering what times ( or even specific days!) will also increase the views you get. Doing this on your own takes time, but there is a lot of research out there available that can assist you with this. At the end of the day, people are not mind readers; we all have our own lives to live and things going on. If you are not marketing your brand or product properly, it will sink into the sea of the internet, and you will not get the results you are looking for.
When you decide that you want to change different aspects, meaning the kinds of shows you do, the image you portray yourself in, or whatever changes you want to make, it is important to remember that with change, you may lose some of your existing fans if it is not up their alley. On the other hand, you will also gain many new eyes ogling your goodies and die-hard fans that will, of course, support you in whatever direction you decide to go in. Introducing things at an integrated pace is a good way to maintain not only the reliability of your brand in the eyes of your fans but also give them a chance to check out your new vision without any kind of shock factor. Know also that when you decide you want to make changes, the brand transformation will not happen overnight, and that is not a bad thing. Keeping yourself happy is important, so making changes that give you that joy is a positive thing, however if the process is moving slower than you thought it might it is easy to feel discouraged. Keeping your head up and staying focused on what you want is what will allow you to achieve the dynamic you want.
Making the changes can feel very scary. The hardest part you will need to do in this is nothing more than the introduction of the new factor, a very small but very heavy step to take indeed! This can be something as simple as a stage name change, different kinds of content or even just moving platforms. Keeping the integrity of your brand intact when you are making the changes comes down to staying true to what you want and marketing! Continuing with your marketing regimen and keeping your image fresh in people’s minds will make this a much more seamless transition. Remember, your brand is what people will notice first about you; no matter what you have established at that point, it is still very much a part of who you are, your brand and who you want to be. Take the opportunity to be unapologetically yourself to wow them from the very first impression!