22 Aug Turning it off
in Industry Knowledge
With the endless amount of information, entertainment and opportunity we have in the palm of our hands, it has become increasingly more difficult to “Shut off” when you are trying to have some downtime. It seems simple enough to answer a message here, send a clip there or overall just be a “Yes man” available on demand for your fans (especially when money is involved!), but there comes a point where it is important to end the work day and have “You” time just like any other kind of work. Giving yourself a true break from any work you do is a big part of keeping yourself mentally and physically healthy; no amount of money is worth a decline in either of those. Learning how to take some distance from the whirlwind and keeping your fans happy is a balancing act, but with a little extra work upfront, you will be at the relaxation station in no time while your products continue to work for you!
Putting your phone down, shutting the laptop, or even turning the game off for a little while can be a lot harder than you think. Taking a much-needed respite from the internet once in a while shows you just how badly you need the break when all you can think about is how you are not going to open the app. “I’ll just see what people are up to; I won’t post anything,” quickly turns into answering messages, posting content, or any number of other things. We as humans enjoy virtual interaction in many ways; it isn’t until you step away for even a few hours that you realize just how consumed by it you are. This is all intensified by the prospect of making money. It is so easy to say yes to that video chat to clear the rest of your goal for the day, but getting back up out of bed once you have already settled in for the night will do nothing but send you on a decline into a burnout down the road.
At some point in your content creation journey, you will run into someone who has no respect for your time. They might appear to have good intentions up front, and they might not even be aware they are giving off this vibe. “I only want a 10-minute show” seems innocent enough, but giving in to these when you are off duty for the day will eventually turn into “I want a 10-minute big anal show, and I want you in full hair and makeup”, Which we all know is not something that you can just throw together for a spur of the moment show. This applies to all kinds of NSFW areas, and it happens more often than you think. Staying firm on your boundaries is not always easy, and this is not to say you can’t take a great opportunity when it comes along, but taking care of yourself first is the most important thing. “No” is a complete sentence; you do not need to sacrifice your mental and physical health for anyone, and that is true in so many aspects of life. This applies to all of the assorted things that demand our attention. You do not have to answer that DM right this moment, you don’t have to check the views on that new video you uploaded, it is ok to not retweet something your member posted. All of it can wait.
Most of the platforms that we are a part of as creators have tools for us to use that keep your product working for you even when you aren’t sitting in front of the screen. Scheduled launches, auto-tweets and other marketing tools are all there for you to utilize and capitalize on throughout your journey. Promotional tweets for sales of your pre-made content will draw in more people to take a gander at what you have available. Scheduling your video launches instead of launching all at once not only brings more and more people to your profile over time, but also gives your fans that anticipation of what’s to come. Not only does this keep fans coming back for more over and over, but it also creates excitement surrounding your product, which is a free and hands-off way to get some marketing in without you even lifting a finger.
Taking a peek through the platforms you use and exploring the many marketing tools they provide will not only give you a more professional appearance to the public but also give you the gift of free time later on once you have set them up.
All this being said, it is important to do what works for your schedule and your health. We all need a break from time to time and we all tend to ignore the little things that are chipping away at us every single day. A break can be a few extra hours offline, a full week or however long you feel you need. Rest assured that giving yourself the time you deserve and resting is the best thing you can do for yourself. Let your mind reset and relax, give your body time to re-energize, have that self care day. You deserve it! Taking a break, however long, also gives your fans a chance to miss you! Not being available 24/7 makes it all that much more exciting when you do sign on for that live stream and that kind of anticipation and excitement is not only good for you as the creator/performer but also for your fans. Keep the fun and excitement in what you do. In the long run this will help you avoid feeling like you are just stuck in a never ending loop with nothing to look forward to. Let the heart grow fonder, give your body and mind a rest and keep that spark alive!
With the endless amount of information, entertainment and opportunity we have in the palm of our hands, it has become increasingly more difficult to “Shut off” when you are trying to have some downtime. It seems simple enough to answer a message here, send a clip there or overall just be a “Yes man” available on demand for your fans (especially when money is involved!), but there comes a point where it is important to end the work day and have “You” time just like any other kind of work. Giving yourself a true break from any work you do is a big part of keeping yourself mentally and physically healthy; no amount of money is worth a decline in either of those. Learning how to take some distance from the whirlwind and keeping your fans happy is a balancing act, but with a little extra work upfront, you will be at the relaxation station in no time while your products continue to work for you!
Putting your phone down, shutting the laptop, or even turning the game off for a little while can be a lot harder than you think. Taking a much-needed respite from the internet once in a while shows you just how badly you need the break when all you can think about is how you are not going to open the app. “I’ll just see what people are up to; I won’t post anything,” quickly turns into answering messages, posting content, or any number of other things. We as humans enjoy virtual interaction in many ways; it isn’t until you step away for even a few hours that you realize just how consumed by it you are. This is all intensified by the prospect of making money. It is so easy to say yes to that video chat to clear the rest of your goal for the day, but getting back up out of bed once you have already settled in for the night will do nothing but send you on a decline into a burnout down the road.
At some point in your content creation journey, you will run into someone who has no respect for your time. They might appear to have good intentions up front, and they might not even be aware they are giving off this vibe. “I only want a 10-minute show” seems innocent enough, but giving in to these when you are off duty for the day will eventually turn into “I want a 10-minute big anal show, and I want you in full hair and makeup”, Which we all know is not something that you can just throw together for a spur of the moment show. This applies to all kinds of NSFW areas, and it happens more often than you think. Staying firm on your boundaries is not always easy, and this is not to say you can’t take a great opportunity when it comes along, but taking care of yourself first is the most important thing. “No” is a complete sentence; you do not need to sacrifice your mental and physical health for anyone, and that is true in so many aspects of life. This applies to all of the assorted things that demand our attention. You do not have to answer that DM right this moment, you don’t have to check the views on that new video you uploaded, it is ok to not retweet something your member posted. All of it can wait.
Most of the platforms that we are a part of as creators have tools for us to use that keep your product working for you even when you aren’t sitting in front of the screen. Scheduled launches, auto-tweets and other marketing tools are all there for you to utilize and capitalize on throughout your journey. Promotional tweets for sales of your pre-made content will draw in more people to take a gander at what you have available. Scheduling your video launches instead of launching all at once not only brings more and more people to your profile over time, but also gives your fans that anticipation of what’s to come. Not only does this keep fans coming back for more over and over, but it also creates excitement surrounding your product, which is a free and hands-off way to get some marketing in without you even lifting a finger.
Taking a peek through the platforms you use and exploring the many marketing tools they provide will not only give you a more professional appearance to the public but also give you the gift of free time later on once you have set them up.
All this being said, it is important to do what works for your schedule and your health. We all need a break from time to time and we all tend to ignore the little things that are chipping away at us every single day. A break can be a few extra hours offline, a full week or however long you feel you need. Rest assured that giving yourself the time you deserve and resting is the best thing you can do for yourself. Let your mind reset and relax, give your body time to re-energize, have that self care day. You deserve it! Taking a break, however long, also gives your fans a chance to miss you! Not being available 24/7 makes it all that much more exciting when you do sign on for that live stream and that kind of anticipation and excitement is not only good for you as the creator/performer but also for your fans. Keep the fun and excitement in what you do. In the long run this will help you avoid feeling like you are just stuck in a never ending loop with nothing to look forward to. Let the heart grow fonder, give your body and mind a rest and keep that spark alive!