19 Sep Freeloaders
in Marketing Yourself
No matter if you are a live cam model, a content creator or a delightful mixture of those and more, you are faced with the seemingly endless pool of “freeloaders” and those who always want more and more for free. This can be varying degrees of annoying at times, but there are many ways to not only utilize this crowd for the good but also turn them into paying customers! Resisting the urge to call out someone who has been watching for months without a hint of changing course can be difficult, but there are many more ways to use that energy for good!
When it comes to live cam, we all have our group of regulars (we love you guys!) but the crowd as a whole, although overall beneficial, is an assorted mixing bowl of all kinds of different ingredients. Think about baking a loaf of bread, the main ingredient being flour with a few extra ingredients mixed in. The flour in this situation, of course, is the non-tippers for one reason or another. Now, the reason they are not tipping obviously varies, but when it comes to chronic “ freeloaders”, there are a few easy ways to get them involved in a positive way. One of the ways the crowd can help is interaction with your marketing posts and, if you have them, free view platforms such as Pornhub or Xvideos. Likes, comments, retweets and videos all help for no money down. These things help to grow your brand and get more eyes on your prize! They also help with cam room numbers in general, which gives you a boost for more visibility. They can help combat piracy by finding your stolen content on other platforms and sending you the info so you can have a DMCA takedown notice sent. They can make a positive impact on your other members by participating in the conversation and, over time, potentially turning into the yeast in your bread dough by tipping! People don’t tip for many reasons; if someone is not in the position to tip at that moment, it doesn’t mean they never will. Keeping the environment fun and engaging for all instead of calling out and embarrassing someone who may not be able to tip at that moment gives the probability of them turning into a paying member a fighting chance. Reward your paying customers appropriately, of course! But never forget that every bit of participation helps!
When it comes to freebie content such as tube sites, free subscriptions or (our personal favorite) RedGIFs, these peepers are very beneficial when it comes to views, followers/subscribers and again, interacting with your marketing posts. One of the ways to engage these members in a positive way and steer them in the direction of making a purchase is always to keep them wanting more! The art of the tease is a powerful tool. Not giving in to those who ask to see more and more content that you reserve for buyers is sometimes difficult, but giving in to those requests takes away the want and will all but ensure that they probably won’t make a purchase. Why buy the cow if they get the milk for free? Stand your ground. Anyone who gives you a hard time does not respect you and will bring nothing beneficial to the table. Hit that mute button on them and let it go. Small rewards for a job well done on assorted tasks they can perform for free is also an incentive for them to become buyers in the future. This is also a great marketing tool as the fastest way to spread news is word of mouth (or, in our case, word of tweet!). Giving someone a purpose and getting them involved gives them more of a reason to stay invested in your brand and for them to potentially turn into a tipping member.
There are easy ways that you can provide an opportunity for these members to dip their toes in. Having cheaper options for pre-made videos, Coffee cup prices, subscription services or tiers that give them a peak into what they are missing out on and many other affordable options will make it easier for those who want to tip but are unable to most of the time. These options will not only give them the option to help financially, but they will also bring in more members who might be curious about you and your product. This is a win-win situation. More members for you, more options for your existing members to help, and an easier transition from “viewer” to “tipper” for many people. This isn’t to say that you need to cheapen your prices or that you can’t have big-ticket items, but having the options for all wallet sizes will be much more beneficial, especially in the long term.
Not all “freeloaders” will end up in the tipping ring, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t contribute a positive effect. At the end of the day, all of our members across all of our assorted platforms are helpful. Each plays a role in the mix. To bake the bread you need all of the ingredients in order for it to rise properly, this is no different. It is important to remember that all members are supporting your brand, no matter if they are currently tipping members or not. Practising patience and kindness with each and every one of them shows your members that you care and that you understand that without your members, your brand can’t rise.
No matter if you are a live cam model, a content creator or a delightful mixture of those and more, you are faced with the seemingly endless pool of “freeloaders” and those who always want more and more for free. This can be varying degrees of annoying at times, but there are many ways to not only utilize this crowd for the good but also turn them into paying customers! Resisting the urge to call out someone who has been watching for months without a hint of changing course can be difficult, but there are many more ways to use that energy for good!
When it comes to live cam, we all have our group of regulars (we love you guys!) but the crowd as a whole, although overall beneficial, is an assorted mixing bowl of all kinds of different ingredients. Think about baking a loaf of bread, the main ingredient being flour with a few extra ingredients mixed in. The flour in this situation, of course, is the non-tippers for one reason or another. Now, the reason they are not tipping obviously varies, but when it comes to chronic “ freeloaders”, there are a few easy ways to get them involved in a positive way. One of the ways the crowd can help is interaction with your marketing posts and, if you have them, free view platforms such as Pornhub or Xvideos. Likes, comments, retweets and videos all help for no money down. These things help to grow your brand and get more eyes on your prize! They also help with cam room numbers in general, which gives you a boost for more visibility. They can help combat piracy by finding your stolen content on other platforms and sending you the info so you can have a DMCA takedown notice sent. They can make a positive impact on your other members by participating in the conversation and, over time, potentially turning into the yeast in your bread dough by tipping! People don’t tip for many reasons; if someone is not in the position to tip at that moment, it doesn’t mean they never will. Keeping the environment fun and engaging for all instead of calling out and embarrassing someone who may not be able to tip at that moment gives the probability of them turning into a paying member a fighting chance. Reward your paying customers appropriately, of course! But never forget that every bit of participation helps!
When it comes to freebie content such as tube sites, free subscriptions or (our personal favorite) RedGIFs, these peepers are very beneficial when it comes to views, followers/subscribers and again, interacting with your marketing posts. One of the ways to engage these members in a positive way and steer them in the direction of making a purchase is always to keep them wanting more! The art of the tease is a powerful tool. Not giving in to those who ask to see more and more content that you reserve for buyers is sometimes difficult, but giving in to those requests takes away the want and will all but ensure that they probably won’t make a purchase. Why buy the cow if they get the milk for free? Stand your ground. Anyone who gives you a hard time does not respect you and will bring nothing beneficial to the table. Hit that mute button on them and let it go. Small rewards for a job well done on assorted tasks they can perform for free is also an incentive for them to become buyers in the future. This is also a great marketing tool as the fastest way to spread news is word of mouth (or, in our case, word of tweet!). Giving someone a purpose and getting them involved gives them more of a reason to stay invested in your brand and for them to potentially turn into a tipping member.
There are easy ways that you can provide an opportunity for these members to dip their toes in. Having cheaper options for pre-made videos, Coffee cup prices, subscription services or tiers that give them a peak into what they are missing out on and many other affordable options will make it easier for those who want to tip but are unable to most of the time. These options will not only give them the option to help financially, but they will also bring in more members who might be curious about you and your product. This is a win-win situation. More members for you, more options for your existing members to help, and an easier transition from “viewer” to “tipper” for many people. This isn’t to say that you need to cheapen your prices or that you can’t have big-ticket items, but having the options for all wallet sizes will be much more beneficial, especially in the long term.
Not all “freeloaders” will end up in the tipping ring, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t contribute a positive effect. At the end of the day, all of our members across all of our assorted platforms are helpful. Each plays a role in the mix. To bake the bread you need all of the ingredients in order for it to rise properly, this is no different. It is important to remember that all members are supporting your brand, no matter if they are currently tipping members or not. Practising patience and kindness with each and every one of them shows your members that you care and that you understand that without your members, your brand can’t rise.