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AI in content creation: Friend or foe?

The amount of technology we have today is beyond amazing, isn’t it? With the ability to do just about anything at any time, with continuous growth and expansion happening all around us, it is hard not to believe anything is possible. Sure, artificial intelligence can provide a lot of fun and a lot of visual entertainment; it’s true! It can let us take a very realistic glimpse into the wildest corners of our imaginations. The downside to this, of course, is that this could be a potential wrench thrown into our wheel. Fear not! Although AI might join us in this industry, it certainly will not take it away from us! With all the unknowns in the world, it can be very hard not to totally freak out with the potential of assorted dooms this can bring; there is also a very positive side! Let’s take this on standing tall, prepared and ready for anything! 

All sorts of things can be done with AI. Celebrity impressions, Antique photos brought to life, you name it! As neat as these things are, the obvious downside is the thought that it could replace us in the world of content creation and steal content from other artists. Now, AI is its own kind of content creation, yes, but what I mean is the day I find myself staring at a video I did not create myself is a day I dread. Flattering? Yes. Hurtful? Also yes. Anyone with the ability to manipulate AI to resemble their favourite celebrity, fantasy beau or content creator will have the ability to create their own custom content. Now, this does sound scary, but if this does happen to you, there are a few steps you can take, including potential legal action for intellectual property damages (ask your lawyer for more information on this when the time comes!). As this technology is relatively new to the average consumer, this isn’t that big of a threat just yet. If or when the time does come, however, I am hoping that the platforms we work on will be able to establish some assistance in one way or another to deal with these things. This isn’t a full save, but honestly, is anything ever?


On the other hand, introducing AI to the mainstream world of creation presents a whole world of possibilities for our tech-savvy creators. With so many creators, both NSFW and otherwise, creating digital art regularly already, it goes without saying that AI will undoubtedly have a seat on that couch soon. Making your own original content with your likeness or original characters can be fun and entertaining for you but remember AI currently does use other artists’ content to create yours. I can only imagine that sooner rather than later, there will be endless amounts of how-to and tutorial clips to watch and learn everywhere you look.


However, the vital thing to remember with AI is that it will not replace us in this industry. Why? Because AI does not come with the genuine interaction that our members so love. We are approachable free thinkers who create an environment for our members that no technology can compete with. You know it’s true! There is nothing like being in a lively cam room where the model is not only engaging with the members, but everyone engages with everyone! You can’t get that with only a computer on the other end. AI may be able to fake this to a small extent, but at the end of the day, emotional response and real interaction trump any artificial “connection” every time. We will more than withstand and outlast the virtual catfish that AI can provide. I have had many people approach me about this topic and what it means for us, and my answer is always the same. The world changes, and we adapt. No collection of data making up answers and giving the illusion of emotion will ever replace genuine human interaction. A future blog will be up once I have more information on protecting yourself and your intellectual property. Until then, stay hydrated and crush those goals!



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