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Social media love triangle

We live in a world where the amount of information we have at our fingertips is infinite. What this means for the world of content creation, however, is that our marketing possibilities are vast and plenty! The topic of marketing can easily become an overwhelming aspect of the industry. Whether you are dipping your toe in for the first time or a seasoned veteran, this ever-changing element of creation is notably the most consistent stress point. We all know that social media is a fantastic marketing tool that we can use for free and in a much more casual way than traditional marketing to reach our audience. With all of our different options, there are a few that stand out amongst the crowd for NSFW advertising and interaction, Twitter, Reddit, and Discord: the social media love triangle. These platforms, generally speaking, have the most NSFW-friendly policies and are the key to your marketing success! They each have unique functions and features that allow you to gain the experience and momentum you need to boost your products and do more than just tread water in the endless sea of creators. 


Tweet, tweet! Twitter, although having its ups and down over the years, continues to be one of the staple social media platforms we use as creators. They allow us to advertise and post NSFW content along with every other venture we insert ourselves into. One of the major perks of Twitter is that it is one of the most widely used in the entire world. Everyone knows what it is, with no explanation needed. This being said, the fact that most platforms we work on also give us an “Auto-tweet” option for going live, sales, and more is exponentially useful and appreciated. This gives you the power to let your products and activities do their own marketing, so you don’t have to.

Similarly, you can easily slip into the more casual side of it by interacting with your fans both in the public eye or even allowing them to dm you! One of the features I love most about Twitter is that it gives you analytics on individual tweets. We all know how much I love statistics! How many views, link clicks, profile clicks, and more! This is very helpful when choosing what you will market on your profile and is unique compared to the other two I will be talking about. You can see more about using Twitter for marketing purposes here.


Reddit has been on the NSFW scene for years and continues to be a powerhouse platform for all, allowing you to become a part of a plethora of communities and have your own little corner with your very own Subreddit! Generally speaking, different subreddits have different rules, so make sure to pay attention when posting. Some have verification requirements as well, which is a good thing for those of us who enjoy posts by legitimate people and not bots! The ability to connect with your fans in this forum-style platform has proven time and time again to be a great tool to use for marketing and fun! It is also important to note that there is no better way to promote your RedGIFs profile than using our established RedGIFs Subreddit Network!


Just when you think your social media experience couldn’t get any better, here comes Discord! Discord offers a unique experience for creators and members alike with a chance to connect on a more personal level. Offering voice chats, event capabilities, and more, it truly takes your marketing and interaction to another level. Like Reddit, Discord offers many established, large communities (including RedGIFs!) that you can join and explore. This provides a fantastic way to ask for advice, exchange ideas, and also market your product all within the same server more times than not. You can also create your own server, which can be invite-only or public. Many servers have a verification system in place to ensure you are interacting with real people that are of the appropriate age! All in all, Discord has broken onto the scene in a significant way and shows no signs of stopping. 


You may be saying to yourself, “What about Instagram? Facebook? TikTok!?” The fact of the matter is that these platforms have much stricter rules regarding NSFW content and e-commerce solicitation. They can be used for promotions but within a very thin margarine compared to Twitter, Reddit, and Discord. This is mainly to say that if you want to use these platforms, read and abide by the rules, of course, but don’t be surprised if warnings show up on your account for things that would be deemed “tame” elsewhere. There is no reason to get angry with these platforms. Rules are rules for a reason! Keeping that in mind, each of the platforms mentioned has its own TOS, so make sure you check that out. Utilizing Twitter, Reddit and Discord will give you not only the best marketing tool but each offer a different experience to both creators and users alike. Check them out!


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